Tropical Storm Barry
I never thought I would die from someone named Barry. Please Lordy don't let this be the time. Tropical Storm Barry is in the Gulf. The first major storm of the year has sustained winds of 30mph and is forecasted to reach level one hurricane status. Needless to say people are losing their ever loving minds trying to last minute prep.
People - seriously. How hard is it to buy a few extra gallons of water and set them aside, store (safely) some gas for a generator, put your extra batteries in the freezer, have flashlights, hurricane lamps, first aid kits, blah blah blah.
Don't forget ammo, everybody knows hurricanes bring zombies like moths to the light.
I find it ironic that the frontrunners for the Democratic Party have raised a cool $100 million. Meanwhile in big boy politics, President Trump reportedly will raise $1.2 billion - with a b. Sure everybody loves an underdog but you have a creepy uncle, two raging bitches, a weird last name, and Warren.
Side note: Does anyone really have a problem with a citizenship question being placed on the census survey? Shouldn't you be a citizen to be counted? Maybe we should just live in anarchy...
Space type shit
Arianespace's nighttime launch of the Vega from the Guiana Space Center suffered a catastrophic failure approximately two minutes after liftoff, with total loss of it's payload a UAE FalconEye1 satellite.
I still applaud the effort. Not many people bother to educate themselves on the complexities of launching mass into space. So I'll just say: nice try guys - try try again. Sometimes life is great, and sometimes it's a steaming pile of shit and rockets. More info here
Weird Stuff
OceanX is revisiting an object originally discovered in 2011 in the Baltic Sea that some believe to be a crashed UFO. Given that it's overseas news, there's nothing really credible available its a bunch of conjecture. But wouldn't it be cool if it was 'Sphere" all over?
Military Shit
How cool is the Dragon Eye? The AN/ASQ-236 predominantly deployed on the F15E Eagle has led many to refer to it as the Strike Eagle. The center mounted pod provides both high resolution plus side scanning capabilities, it can also provide area commanders with pinpoint accuracy, reducing collateral damage and providing faster response time than a MQ-9 Reaper.
The shear ability of the two man crew concept combined with cutting edge technology allows this badass motherfucker to engage both air and ground targets simultaneously. Everybody knows I'm Army all the way, but the sky pansies have a pretty awesome ride. Just joshing of course, the F15E is pretty fuckin' cool.